Companies in Radio and DTV News. 98.7 KBQS AND 987 KBQS-HD1 Sacramento KBQS-HD2 SAN FRANCISCO KBQS-HD3 SLOUGHTHOUSE

98.9 KBQS Sacramento was acquired by Sky Earth Network, In late 2018 after the SACRAMENTO BICYCLE KITCHEN was silenced by the Federal Communications Commission in early 2018. On January, 24th 2018, The FCC Put a Silent STA on 98.9 KBQS to be silent, with a note stating 107.5 FM. a FM Frequency change for KBQS. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) put a silent STA On the Sacramento local radio station that was owned as a low power FM, in Sacramento. The Station is said to be switching to 107.5 FM after a winning bid from their counterparts to establish a new FM Radio Station in Sacramento. KBQS will become, Power 107. in Sacramento, at the low powered level, with the same allocation at 107.5. However. 107.5 was disagreed. and demoted in 2019. acquiring KBQS as a double call sign. KBQS and KRUG was noted by the FCC as a double call sign station with the signal of 98.9. the company is still pushing for 98.7 as the main signal. 98.7 KBQS and 98.7 KBQS-HD1 in Sacramento. The Company switched to 98.7 Radio Osea in 2020, after acquiring the License from SBK. now they have 2 overlapping signals.
two in Sacramento and One in San Francisco. as 98.7 KBQS-HD2 The company also acquired 98.7 KBQS-HD3 in sloughthouse in 2021. KSFB, KONB, WRMN AND OTHERS
“Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, Try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you."
The Radio Station is said to be back up in 6 months to broadcast, But meanwhile, Sky Earth Network will be producing tidbits of the radio station's programing, Helping the SACRAMENTO BICYCLE KITCHEN Through their down times. as the FCC approved their relocation of the Station's Frequency, Sky Earth Network will be their to help fund the projects in the future.
On October 27, 2014 98.9 KBQS a Low Power FM Radio Station was established by Shannon Southwood, Southwood wasn't around when a comment was needed by the board. the Federal Communications Commission had requested the station to move from, 98.9 to 107.5, A Low Powered Station in Sacramento and 107.5 KBQS-HD1 in San Francisco. Station was bought by Sky Earth Network in late 20018. and is being considered as a Full Powered FM Radio Station by Both Cities. 98.7 is stil being Fought for by Sky Earth Network.
When The FCC awarded Sky Earth Network their license they were given two. one for KBQS and one for KRUG.
